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A Man’s Renaissance Journey at the Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute

Published by Leon Tcheupdjian

From the desk of Leon Forrester Tcheupdjian, M.D.

Cosmetic Surgery for men

I saw a patient of mine in the office today and wanted to share his story with you. I think his story is worthy of a blog entry for a couple reasons. 1) Cosmetic surgery isn’t just for women; cosmetic surgery is for men as well. 2) His story proves just how much cosmetic surgery can affect your self-esteem.

When I first saw this patient in my Chicago cosmetic surgery center he was in his late 30s and weighed about 250 pounds.  From my prospective, he was overweight. Losing 20 to 30 pounds would do him well.  But at his first visit, he was focused on his hair, which was thinning rapidly. I would say he had lost about 80 percent of his existing hairline, and his hair was nearly gone on the top. And you could tell that just looking in the mirror and talking about it made him depressed.

He decided that a hair transplant could really change his gloomy opinion of himself. He scheduled his hair restoration procedure, and a couple weeks later we proceeded to rebuild his hairline and began to fill in the top of his scalp.  He was amazed that after three months he started to see his little baby hairs start to grow, and by six months he was going for his first haircut.  You could see the excitement for life return in his eyes as his hair got thicker and thicker.  At nine months he had a full head of hair and couldn’t have been happier … until we started discussing his waistline. We began to assess and change his eating habits and adopted an exercise regimen that would fit into his busy work schedule.

Anyone can lose weight, and we can help

At 18 months he had lost 60 pounds under our watchful eye. He was committed to our diet supplements, healthy eating and adjusted exercise routines, which mostly consisted of walking and other easy aerobic exercises. After getting his diet and in turn his weight in order, he refocused on his hair.

Although his hair came in great, now he inquired about a second procedure to densify and fill in the remaining thinning areas. He now was fast becoming the best salesman in his company, and he firmly believed the combination of his new hair, his new waistline and his new positive personal outlook had everything to do with it.

Cosmetic surgery can do so much for self-esteem

His second hair transplant filled in all the gaps and truly gave him the picture frame around his new thinner face.  He went as far as to tell me in the office today that me and my staff at the Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute saved his life.  The path he was on had him slowly going backward, and once he made the commitment to having his hair and his weight back where he once hoped they’d return, he moved onto the superhighway to success.

To schedule your consultation and get on the path toward your personal renaissance, click here or call us at 847.259.1000.

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