Skincare gurus are willing to try just about anything to achieve a youthful glow. While serums, moisturizers, toners and other parts of your daily skincare routine are all great, nothing is as powerful or effective as seeing a skincare professional on a regular basis. Our Med Spa is just one part of our Chicago cosmetic surgery services, and it is your one-stop-shop for achieving a youthful glow year-round. Here are some benefits to receiving monthly facials.
Fight Aging
Tackle the side effects of aging head-on through a monthly facial. Facials help promote skin circulation and even out your skin tone, minimizing the appearance of developing wrinkles. Boost the rate of cell turnover and prompt new cell growth through regular facials, too.
Remove Dirt
Your at-home cleansers can only remove so much dirt, making your skin susceptible to break outs. One of the main reasons for regular facials is to remove excess dirt and oil from your pores. The removal of dead skin cells is another reason to get facials.
Improve Common Skin Issues
None of us are born with perfect skin, but facials can help improve acne, scarring, redness, inflammation and overall discoloration. We also offer problem-specific skin treatments such as acne treatments, chemical peels, rosacea treatment and more.
Improve Confidence
One of the most important reasons for regular facials is to help improve your confidence. Having a fresh, glowing face is a simple way to help you feel confident, especially if you don’t like to wear a lot of makeup. When your skin looks its best, it will help you to feel your best, too.
As summer comes to a close, why not treat yourself to a much-needed facial? If you’re interested in learning more about our skincare procedures or Chicago cosmetic surgery, please contact us today!