Are you considering breast augmentation in Chicago? If so, then you already understand that moving forward with breast augmentation in Chicago is a personal choice that requires careful thought and consideration to a wide range of details. It’s important to systematically work through what you can expect so you know it’s the right option for you.
What Can You Expect Post-Surgery With Your Breast Augmentation In Chicago?
At the Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute, we understand that there is much to sort through when making your final decision about this particularly surgery. We also know that much of the decision making process about this procedure isn’t just about the surgery itself. While it’s crucial to understand every phase of your surgery before moving forward with your breast augmentation surgery, there’s also another consideration during the decision making process: what to expect post-op.
Common Misconceptions About Post-Surgery Breast Augmentation In Chicago
If you have questions about what you need to know about your breast augmentation in Chicago after your surgery, the Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute can help. We know that the Internet is rife with misinformation that can influence a woman’s choice. That’s why we proudly partner with all of patients to ensure that they have all the correct post-op information they will need to make the right choice for them. Some of the most common after-surgery misconceptions about this process include:
I can’t work out for several months after breast augmentation:
False: There is generally a four-week grace period where patients can workout but should avoid doing anything strenuous on the upper body. At your four-week follow up, your LCSI physician will talk to you about resuming your activity level as normal. However, with that, it’s important to keep in mind that exercise and sporting activities will all feel different with increased breast size, especially golf, tennis, basketball, volleyball, sailing, softball, and other sports that rely heavily on rapid, forceful arm movements.
I won’t be able to breast feed:
False: In most cases, this is completely false. Most surgical approaches will allow the patient to breastfeed a baby in the future.
My surgery will have a negative impact on intimacy:
Mostly False: While initially there may be some numbing, full sensation, or close to it, normally returns.
A ruptured implant is dangerous to my health:
False: A ruptured silicone implant that leaks liquid silicone into the body was once thought to pose a health risk, however exhaustive FDA studies during the past 30 years have failed to show a direct link between liquid silicone and serious health risks like breast cancer and other diseases/disorders/etc. A ruptured saline implant will leak saline solution (aka salt water) into your body. The body will naturally flush this out of the system without posing any health risk. And even if there was a health risk, which again we have no evidence of, silicone breast implants today are highly cohesive. What does that mean? It means a ruptured implant will not leak. Imagine if you were to tear a gummy bear or gummy worm in half. Nothing leaks out, correct? Same premise with today’s silicone breast implant. When ruptured, the silicone is so cohesive there is minimal leaking, if any. Add in the fact that both major manufacturers, Allergan and Mentor, offer attractive, affordable extended warranty plans that help pay for any implant replacement surgeries, and any worries about negative side effects should be put to rest.
The scar will be big and unattractive:
False: Scared of the scar? Don’t be. It is small and a skilled surgeon can easily hide it, either in the line of the areola, in the fold underneath the breast, or even in the armpit. Where the scar will be depends on the type and size of implant, along with the recommended surgical approach of your surgeon.
Breast implants are only for porn stars, strippers and trophy wives:
So.very.FALSE: This misconception couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, we do serve porn stars and strippers, but they are hardly our only breast implant clients. At LCSI, we partner with women from all walks of life, such as:
- Women who just weren’t born with breasts
- Women who don’t fit into clothes properly
- Women who need a self esteem boost
- Women who have raised multiple children, and the burden of motherhood has taken its toll on their breasts
- Women who have simply lost shape and volume with aging
- Working women who just want to do it for themselves, nobody else
Let LCSI help give you the facts about breast augmentation in Chicago. Contact us today by phone 847.249.1000 or email to schedule your surgery consultation.