What is recovery from plastic surgery in Chicago like?
It’s important to understand that each patient has a different pain tolerance, so the recovery process is unique to each individual. The procedure that was performed also has a large impact on what the recovery process is like. For major surgeries, your doctor will prescribe you the proper medications to take to help manage your pain following the procedure. Make sure to take any medications as prescribed and feel free to contact your doctor directly with specific questions as they arise.
Your doctor will also outline what you can expect during the recovery process and make sure that you are comfortable with post-op instructions and care. Our team is a helpful resource that will be guiding you throughout every step of this process.
What is the right age for plastic surgery in Chicago?
Individuals who want plastic surgery should be aware of the costs and risks when considering a particular procedure. It’s important that individuals who are interested in surgery also have a realistic expectation of what results will be like following the procedure. There isn’t a strict rule about when plastic surgery is ideal, but the best results come from adults who have already stopped growing. This helps lock in the results instead of performing surgery on an area that will end up changing in the future.
What can I do to prepare for surgery?
Preparing for your surgery can help make the experience go smoothly. During your appointments leading up to the procedure, we will instruct you on certain medications to avoid the 2-3 weeks leading up to the appointment. It’s also important that you are honest with both your doctor and your anesthesiologist so that they can tailor medications and doses accordingly. If you ever have a question in the time leading up to your procedure, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
What medications should I stop taking before undergoing anesthesia?
Preparing to undergo general anesthesia can help improve your experience with plastic surgery in Chicago. It’s typically recommended to fast at least six hours before your surgery takes place and any liquids that you consume
Aspirin or over-the-counter blood thinners may need to be avoided at least two weeks before your surgery. These medications have the potential to cause complications during surgery. Your doctor will discuss specific medications that you are taking and let you know whether or not you may continue taking them in the weeks leading up to surgery.
Is going under anesthesia safe?
One of the most frequently asked questions that our team receives is whether or not going under general anesthesia is safe. First, let’s define what general anesthesia is. This is a combination of different medications that put the patient into a sleep-like state, putting them completely unconscious. The anesthetized brain will not respond to pain signals or other reflexes, allowing our team the opportunity to safely and efficiently perform surgery. This process is considered safe and even those with significant health issues can safely undergo general anesthesia.
What is the process of scheduling a surgery like?
First, you’ll need to meet with our team for an initial consultation. This consultation allows us to better understand your wants and expectations. From our end, this consultation is helpful to answer your questions, set realistic expectations and ensure that you feel comfortable with all areas of the procedure. We can also answer your questions about financing during this time as well. Once you are ready to book your surgery, you will work with our team to do so at a convenient time for you.